Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
Ronald Reagan

Friday, November 11, 2016

Remind me WHO the FASCISTS are again?

Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature, and views political violence (Beating up strangers, Rioting, Etc.), war, and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Thousands of mostly young people took part in a candle light procession in Budapest

At least young people somewhere Acknowledge the past struggles of their elders.

Thousands of mostly young people took part in a candle light procession today to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the 1956 revolution. The procession started at the Technical University and ended at Bem square. October 22, 2016. Photo: Máthé Zoltán / MTI

Sunday, August 28, 2016

If Trump is a Nazi what is this piece of shit?

Beloved socialist on wheels Franklin Delano Roosevelt had over 110,000  people of Japanese ancestry arrested using Executive Order 9066. He had them placed them in internment camps with out due process, without a warrant. 62% of those people were United States citizens. Everything they had, businesses, homes, and property was taken from them.
Spoiled little BITCH cries that The Untied States  is Racist while making Millions of dollars playing a fucking kids game.
The pathetic story below.
Colin Kaepernick explains why he sat during national anthem

This is just one more reason I do not give a shit about football, Fuck'em.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

I fail to see the problem here!

A veteran of the Dutch Army has been arrested on suspicion of murder, as it is thought that he killed Islamic State (IS) terrorists when fighting alongside Kurdish YPG forces in Syria.

Jitse Akse, 47, was arrested on Wednesday. He was released later that day after being forced to hand over his passport and agreeing to report to the police station weekly, Dutch public broadcaster NOS reported.